Holistic HealthcareHolistic healthcare looks at the mind, body and soul and utilizes different therapies to reach your healthcare goals, Herbal Medicine is the use of remedies made from plants to prevent and treat conditions of the body. Formulation of herbal remedies, aromatherapy blends, flower essence blends, homeopathic remedies, each takes into account the total person (emotional, spritual and physical). These remedies stimulate the natural healing ability of the body
Meditation/HypnotherapyMeditation/Hypnotherapy is when a therapist helps one enter a state of relaxation, which can help people to use their subconscious mind to change the way they think, their behavioural patterns, and achieve personal development goals.
OsteopathyOsteopathy is a recognized manual medicine system of diagnosis and treatment, which lays it main emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the musculoskeletal system.
Manual Osteopaths use a variety of hands-on physical treatments. These include soft tissue techniques, joint mobilization, muscle energy treatment and functional (strain and counter strain) techniques. |
Animal WellnessJust as humans benefit from the use of herbs, flower essences, and Reiki, so do animals. Supplements made from plants help to balance the body. Each supplement takes into account the total individual (emotional and physical).
Insurance Coverage:
Direct Billing Now Available Email or Text to ensure your company allows direct billing by Manual Osteopaths. Major insurance companies reimburse for osteopathy visits. Be sure to check with your provider to see if you have osteopathic coverage. Some insurance companies have reimbursed for herbalist visits. Be sure to check with your provider to see if you have herbalist coverage. |
For information
As a Manual Osteopath & Registered Herbalist, I am not a Medical Doctor. I do not diagnose, or prescribe pharmaceuticals. You will need to see your Doctor for a Diagnosis. The therapies I practice can help the body to heal itself naturally as a whole.
Massage therapy & Osteopathic care is never a substitute for veterinary care and a licensed veterinarian or animal massage therapist/manual osteopath with the appropriate training, should be the one performing the musculoskeletal mobilizations on animals. |